The Detox Delusion




  1. Detoxes, cleanses and ‘teatoxes’ have risen to popularity in recent times through the promise of numerous health benefits.

  2. There is a severe lack of evidence showing what ‘toxins’ are supposedly being removed and the mechanisms by which this occurs.

  3. Weight loss is likely attributed to significant energy deficits, diuretic and laxative ingredients.

  4. Actual ‘detoxification’ is a medical term and provided in hospital in serious conditions when dangerous levels of poisons or toxins are in the body. In these cases doctors know the specific toxins and are trained to administer the correct treatment. ( Spoiler Alert: It’s not a ‘teatox')

  5. Healthy adults have extraordinary systems for removing toxins from our bodies every day. Our lungs, kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract and immune system all work to remove and neutralise toxic substances

  6. Focus on the daily habits that are going to lead to optimal health and progression towards your individual goals.

Detoxes, cleanses and the more recent trend of ‘teatoxes’ have risen to mind boggling popularity over the last few years.  With promises including fast weight loss, increased energy, less fatigue and radiant skin it’s easy to see why.

Add a bunch of celebrity endorsements and we have had a successful marketing campaign, I mean if Queen B can look that good drinking a concoction of palm/maple syrup, lemon juice, cayenne pepper and gypsy tears, why can’t we? 

The premise behind a lot of these detox diets is that our bodies are being overrun by harmful ‘toxins’ through exposure to pollution, smoke, and poor diets that include refined foods and additives, alcohol and caffeine (and I’m sure many other things).

This ‘toxin’ build up is therefore accused as being a main culprit for a whole host of negative health consequences, usually generalised enough to apply to anyone (e.g. headache, fatigue, insomnia, hunger, fat gain, bloating, GI problems, acne and a general feeling of flatness) and a few to install fear such as cancer.

‘Detoxing’ is touted as a way to flush your system of these pesky toxins leaving you feeling healthier, more energetic and according to one testimonial with “a new lease on life”…

A quick Google search on “detox diets” presents an abundance of options. Ranging from minor to major restrictions such as:

  • raw food diets,

  • unprocessed food diets,

  • elimination of caffeine, alcohol and refined sugars

  • periods of fasting or with only juices consumed.

These detox diet programs can last anywhere from a day or two up to several months.


If we were to go by testimonials on respective websites or social media pages then I would unequivocally be yelling at you to go out and get your hands on one or ten. However, as informed readers of this blog, you would know that anecdotal evidence (such as website testimonials) is at the bottom of the evidence hierarchy and is about as useful as a dart gun on the Indominus rex (why yes, I did just watch Jurassic World).

If the goal is weight loss, then the chances are that if you follow any of these detox diets you are most likely going to lose weight. In fact, even some the reports of 5kg losses over a week are actually very plausible depending on the individual and diet followed. 

However, this weight loss has little to do with your body ridding itself of toxins, and more to do with the substantial calorie deficit achieved through overly restrictive guidelines often advised.

As we know, energy balance is the foundation of any weight loss diet. When you cut out certain foods, only drink tea or juices, or fast, we are often inadvertently creating a substantial calorie deficit. This is the premise behind a lot of ‘fad’ diets too. Many of these diets reduce starchy carbs and/or saturated fats amongst other foods, increase fluid consumption and often in the case of ‘teatoxes’ include ingredients that have laxative and diuretic functions. 

These factors also decrease water and glycogen stores in the body, which greatly contribute to the rapid weight loss. This also means that once the detox is over and a more regular diet is resumed a lot of the lost weight will return (remembering that the majority of this was glycogen and water in the first place.)

*FYI the standard human body stores around 300-600g of glycogen (depending on diet, activity levels and LBM). Each gram of glycogen is stored with 3g of water. Therefore, quick drops in “weight” with very low carb and calorie diets are often a result of diminished glycogen stores.


‘Detoxing’ isn’t real! At least in the way we are referring to it within this article. You see our friend the “Detox” had its humble and honest beginnings as a legitimate medical term that has been corrupted by the seedy marketing underbelly. 

Detoxification is provided in hospitals under life-threatening circumstances – usually when there are dangerous levels of drugs, alcohol, or other poisons in the body. Examples include venomous snakes bites or bacteria that causes a potentially fatal botulism.

Now I’d hope if you ever find yourself in one of these situations, that dropping by your local chemist or health food store to pick up a detox kit wins the wooden spoon of possible options. Pipped just at the line by having a mate suck out the poison 'city slickers' style.



Detox diets, cleanses and ‘teatoxes’ are products that use this medical terminology to give the perception of scientific legitimacy when in fact they are a waste of money.

You must ask the question ‘what is the actual “toxin” that is causing me harm that this product allegedly removes? And how?’ The one unwavering feature of detox products is that none of the products actually name a specific ‘toxin’ that their product is meant to cleanse or flush.

This is a problem. You see for a specific product or treatment to work it’s important to know what mechanisms are occurring or in this case what you’re aiming to rid yourself of.


Healthy adults have extraordinary systems for removing toxins from our bodies every day. Our lungs, kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract and immune system all work to remove and neutralise toxic substances

The Dietetics Association of Australia (DAA) warns that there is no scientific evidence to suggest our bodies need ‘help’ to remove these toxins.

Don’t get me wrong, many people report feeling better following a detox diet. Once again, it’s unlikely this is due to do elimination of toxins from the body.

Common sense tells us that those who partake in these radical ‘detox’ diets are likely to have often come from less than stellar diets previously. For instance, often they are used after periods of heavy partying and indulgence such as Christmas and other holiday periods. Any person, especially someone who has a poor diet to start with, who eats more fruits and vegetables, drinks more water, eats less calorie dense processed foods and drinks less alcohol and caffeine is naturally going to feel better (and sleep better) after a period of time.


The principle that we need to follow a special diet to help our body eliminate toxins is not supported by science. Marketing has used legitimate medical terms such as toxins and ‘detoxificiation’ to try and scare us into buying a product that isn’t needed in the first place. 

Toxins are real and some can be very dangerous but in those cases no dietary changes are going to save you. The idea that a few days/weeks of ‘detoxing’ can eliminate the months/years of unhealthy practices is incorrect and may potentially result in the continuation of unhealthy habits over the long term.

Many people struggle with long-term dietary changes and as a society we’re always looking to get things done faster and with less effort. It is within this ideal that the attraction of a detox lies; fast weight loss, more energy, better skin all in two weeks!

Unfortunately like many fad diets the practices of detoxes and cleanses are like putting a Band-Aid on a velociraptor bite ( last time I promise)... a short-term solution to a much larger problem.

Save yourself some hard earned money (the Lemon Detox package costs $87 for a 7 day period!) and focus on the daily habits that are going to lead to optimal health and progression towards your individual goals. If you’ve gone through a period of suboptimal diet and lifestyle behaviours focusing on a diet rich in whole foods, drinking plenty of water, getting daily exercise and avoiding excessive alcohol consumption will confer all of the positive benefits without the negatives.